Blog Post

Holy Granola: Tips to Find a Better Bar

Alyssa Grams • September 6, 2017

Article written by Ericka Brown

Every good parent wants to take a bite out of their kids’ hunger by offering up a nice, hearty granola bar. They’re small, portable and easy to toss in a backpack or keep in your car for when you’re stuck in traffic. But just because the right bar is perfect for almost any occasion doesn’t mean any bar is perfect for you.

Many of these bite-sized snacks are packed with more sugar than a donut and are so low in fibre and protein they don’t stand a chance against your growling stomach.

So when faced with an ever-growing assortment of granola bars, how do you pick a smart snack over a chocolate bar in disguise?

Here are five tips to take the guesswork out of buying bars:

  1. Keep it Whole. Look for a bar that lists whole grains as the first ingredient. Unlike refined grains, which are stripped of important nutrients, whole grains offer a complete package of health benefits.
  2. Make Fibre your Friend . Choose bars that have no less than 2 grams of fibre. The more, the better! Fibre helps slow digestion, making the energy from the bar last longer - which is exactly what you want in a snack.
  3. Sugar Shocker . With ingredients like marshmallows, chocolate chips and caramel, it’s no surprise that some bars can have as much as 16 grams of sugar – that’s 4 teaspoons worth! The healthiest bars have 8 grams of sugar per serving or less.
  4. Protein Pros. Like fibre, protein keeps you feeling full for longer. Look for a minimum of 4 grams. Bars that have nuts and seeds will have more protein than those without.
  5. Calories Count. Some bars are snacks, others are meal replacements or fuel for athletes. The latter will typically have much more calories and protein than you need in a snack. Aim for 150 – 200 calories for a bar that will satisfy you without adding unnecessary calories.

Remember, most granola bars you buy are overly processed and packaged so they can stay on the shelves longer. Watch for added oils, salt and sugar, as well as ingredients that are as difficult to pronounce as they are to digest. Less is always more when it comes to ingredients lists!

When in doubt, make your own! The Pure Prairie Eating Plan ’s Lunch Box Granola Bars are satisfying, tasty and packed with nourishing natural ingredients. Plus they’re so simple to make you’ll wonder why you ever braved the granola bar aisle in the first place!

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